What’s the First Thing Terence Steele Plans To Buy After His New Contract Extension With the Dallas Cowboys?

Right tackle Terence Steele discussed his new contract extension with the Dallas Cowboys and what a dream come true it is for him to put pen to paper. 

Terence Steele on His Dreams Coming True

Steele was an undrafted free agent in 2020, which already stacked the odds against him to get a long-term deal, especially because of the COVID-19 restrictions at the time.

But he also came into a tackle position, which is already hard-pressed to get a long-term contract across the league.

However, Steele signed a five-year extension worth $86.8 million with the Cowboys.

“First off, that’s a blessing just to even be here, to be able to compete the way I am, and this is a testament to the work I put in. Just all the support from my family, my friends, my locker mates, my coaches, it was a group effort, and it all worked out. So I’m happy,” said Steele.

Steele on Giving Back to His Parents

The 26-year-old said that because of his parents’ support throughout his life, he wanted to give back to them. In fact, they were the first people he called when the deal got done. He laughed and said the second person he called was his financial advisor.

When Steele signed his name on the contract, he said he was overcome with different emotions, saying, “I was happy it all paid off. This is a dream come true, and I’ve thought of this since I was very young. So just to actually see it coming to fruition is awesome.”

As for what Steele plans to do with his money first? He said it’s to fulfill one of his biggest goals when coming into the NFL: taking care of his family for the long run.

“Honestly, I’m probably gonna take care of my parents. Buy my mom a car, get Pop’s something, make sure he’s good. So I’ll take care of my family first, and I’ll worry about whatever I need after that,” said Steele.

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The right tackle said that his parents always encouraged and believed in him since childhood.

“They always said I’d be here, and it worked out. So just thanks to them for just keeping positivity in my ear and in my head and just telling me I can be whatever I wanna be,” said Steele.

Mike McCarthy on Steele’s Work Ethic

Mike McCarthy has repeatedly praised Steele’s work ethic since his return from last season’s ACL injury. McCarthy said that Steele earned his contract, and he is proud of him. But that it was the kind of man Steele is that got him the deal set in stone.

“He was in here every day, same time. It was like clockwork watching him attack his rehab, which is how he attacks everything,” said McCarthy.

When Steele was asked where his work ethic comes from, he said it was part of his childhood and upbringing in a military household where everything was done with a routine.

Steele on Not Getting Complacent

That work ethic shined through as Steele discussed how this new deal makes him feel, saying it’s not a time to get complacent.

“It makes [me] feel awesome, makes [me] feel like all the hard work I put in, it was paid off. But I also know that there’s more work to be put in. So won’t be complacent, and I’m ready to push it forward,” said Steele.

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